Selasa, 11 April 2017


.. aged 35 years is half a lifetime if counted from the dead. 17, 18 and 20 years is the age limit to just think in accordance with the interpretation of Ibn Kathir (Surah Fatir: 37). , While the age of 40 and above is immediately wary of the threat of God.
So try to calculate your age .. which direction you in the weight.. ?? ..

Among the signs of death were sent to mankind is the GRAY HEAD. In addition, deteriorating hearing ability is among one of the signs of approaching death. FUZZY..not same vision again as usual and will increasingly blurred. God also began to draw back the favor of the world has ever achieved before. SICK started in our live . If before we could taste a variety of foods, but slowly pulled back the favor it, can not enjoy impunity.
In early life @ @ birth there must eventually death. Death is definitely going to happen .. Life is actually CHASING DEATH .. death at any time and seconds will be nearer death .. trouble only 63 years of age Allah and the Prophet himself said;
"The age of my people ranging from 60 to 70 years. Very few of those over the age ''.
He is 35 years of age if the calculated half-life of death. 17, 18 and 20 years is the age limit to just think. While the age of 40 and above is immediately wary of the threat of God. So try to calculate your age .. ?? Indeed, there is still room to go back to the streets again to please Him.
No wonder we see more often now aged in his 40s died. Marks are given for making us Muslims to be able to repent and prepare the way to God.

Word of God;
ٱلله يتوفى ٱلأنفس حين موتها وٱلتى لم تمت فى منامها فيمسك ٱلتى قضى عليها ٱلموت ويرسل ٱلأخرى إلى أجل مسمى إن فى ذلك لءايت لقوم يتفكرون

"God holds the soul at death and lives have not died when she was sleeping. He hold the soul which He has ordained death and release the souls of others till an appointed time. Verily in this are signs (of greatness) of Allah for a people who think. "
(Az-Zumar, verse 42)

Allah SWT. also says in the Quran:
Did We not give you long enough time to think for people who like to think, and (if not) come to you a warner? So taste (Our) and no to coal-doers no helpers.
(Al Fatir: 37).
According to Ibn Kathir, the commentators differ on age limit referred to in that paragraph. Husain ibn Ali Zainal Abidin R.A. thought, "God made till the age limit for thought in the paragraph above is 17 years old."
Qatada said, "You know, long life indeed was a burden and responsibility, and we seek refuge in Allah from all acts of disgrace for our age. The verse states that God's time to think till it is 18 years old. Such was the alleged Abu Ghalib al-Shaibani. "
Meanwhile, Wahab ibn Munabbih thought as narrated Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak from Mu'ammar that age is 20 years. For Mansur, 40 years old. Mujahid and Al-Sya'bi said, "If any one of you reaches the age of 40 years, then immediately wary of the threat of God." Be aware that death is certain and we can not escape from it .. Death is only a sleep so well for those who fear Allah .. and they are losers who refuse and Seduced by law ..

Word of God;
فمن حاجك فيه من بعد ما جاءك من العلم فقل تعالوا ندع أبناءنا وأبناءكم ونساءنا ونساءكم وأنفسنا وأنفسكم ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنت الله على الكاذبين
Who would argue with you about the story of Isa with the coming of science (which assure you), say (to him): "Let us call our sons and your sons, our wives and your wives, ourselves and yourselves then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah upon those who lie.

Including signs of happiness when death comes is:
- His forehead was sweating
- The tears streaming down
- His nostrils flare

The Prophet said: "Examine the condition of the body when death carry him, when his brow sweaty @ sweat, tears and his nostrils flare, the Grace of God descended upon him.
And when a sound like the voice of a child choking camel, or bluish skin color change or remove the foam from the second jaw then pointed Allah had come to him. "
In another Hadith, the Prophet said,
In another Hadith, the Prophet said:
Meaning: The Prophet entered the house of Abu Salama Abu Salama and close my eyes and said, "Indeed, when the spirit is retained (out @ off) then it is followed by the eye."
And when the arrival of death, right and left calf will join together both lay rigid body .. .. .. mouth gaping open eyes ..

God said:
والتفت الساق بالساق
Meaning: when leg (left) and calf (right)
(Al Qiyamah 29).

God said:
أينما تكونوا يدرككم الموت ولو كنتم في بروج مشيدة
Meaning: Wherever ye are, death will find you, even though you are in lofty and strong
(An Nisa 78)

Word of God;
قل إن الموت الذي تفرون منه فإنه ملاقيكم
It means: Say, "The death from which you flee from him, he would find you.
(Al Jum'ah 8)

Therefore let us fear Allah and do as much as possible .. shun the sick and immoral thing .. it would hurt if we shut down while in doing evil .. ?? nau'zubillah .. are not we fear Allah will torment .. ?? Fortunately for those who died when their piety toward the gate ..
~ Wallahu'alam

~ Prosecutor capital.

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